by jdunkley | Nov 23, 2011
With this installation, inputs such as hot and chilled buffer tank temperatures, 22 room thermostats and outside air temperature are all taken into account to control geothermal heat pumps, circulating pumps and a plethora of control valves. When the heating and...
by jdunkley | Sep 27, 2011
In British Columbia, nothing says local energy like a combined biomass gasification and solar thermal system to supply space heat and domestic hot water. During the low solar gain, high heat requirement months, the biomass system provides the vast majority of the...
by jdunkley | Mar 25, 2011
With this high quality Canadian made, 4 collector solar thermal array, the owners can expect 15GJ+ of energy to be displaced annually, by the...
by jdunkley | Jan 15, 2011
The addition of a premium solar thermal system with storage, freeze and overheat protection to this small studio has brought the owners one step closer to energy self sufficiency. Innovative lineset routing, flashing and collector placement reduces roof penetrations...
by jdunkley | Nov 8, 2010
Biomass is the perfect renewable, solar powered fuel. Wood gasification offers a local, low embodied energy and low emission, renewable heating fuel when compared to conventional fossil fuels like oil and gas. Like any renewable technology though, it isn’t for...