by jdunkley | Jun 12, 2012
This project exemplifies energy efficiency. The building envelope is ICF, attic blown cellulose, premium windows and doors allow this 2,500+ sq ft home to be comfortably heated with a 3T nominal heat pump. The system includes a year round, domestic hot water preheat...
by jdunkley | Mar 6, 2012
Even in a well established industry, this installation stands to prove there is ‘always room for improvement’. There are a few things that set this design apart from the status quo; Hybrid closed and open loop Variable loop flowrate Heat exchanger...
by jdunkley | Sep 27, 2011
In British Columbia, nothing says local energy like a combined biomass gasification and solar thermal system to supply space heat and domestic hot water. During the low solar gain, high heat requirement months, the biomass system provides the vast majority of the...
by jdunkley | Sep 27, 2011
In this application, fuel oil was burned in a low efficiency boiler for space heat and, year round, for domestic hot water. Thermal efficiencies on aging boilers of this type can be as little as 50-60% meaning half the internal energy in the fuel oil is not...
by jdunkley | Sep 6, 2011
Clean & Green Something I hear from time to time is that solar is “ugly”. It doesn’t have to be. By paying attention to detail and planning the installation to be as unobtrusive as possible, it can not only work well for decades and displace...